Welcome to SCP Consulting

What We Do

Independent Consultant focused on helping You and your Company Thrive! Our focus is on Organizational Transformation & Design, Process Improvement & Operations, People & Culture Development, Strategic Growth & Innovation, and Customer Experience & Success.

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Meet the Founder and CEO

Executive level professional services consultant with 20 years of experience from Microsoft, Deloitte, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Emory Healthcare. Expertise in public health and healthcare; strategy and management consulting; technology and organizational transformation; program, project, and change management; process improvement, and operations.

Managerial experience in commercial, state and local, non-profit, higher education, government, and global spaces with demonstrated success in navigating multiple playing fields simultaneously.

Catherine Fields, MPH, PMP

Founder & CEO

I can't wait to support you and your team!

person holding pencil near laptop computer

SCP Consulting & YOU

Whether you're a startup trying to figure out your strategy for the future, a mid-sized organization determined to streamline operations and increase revenue, or a Fortune 500 company struggling with various elements of customer satisfaction, employee engagement, or successful program execution - SCP Consulting can help!

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Services Provided

Check out the many ways SCP Consulting can support you and your organization.

Strategy Development

Improved customer success, expansion, and revenue growth.

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Operations & Process Improvement

Improved workflow, policies and procedures, supply chain, and documentation.

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Organizational & Cultural Transformation

Operational analysis, organizational redesign, and process improvement.

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DE&I Integration

Structural and cultural shift, program development, successful and equitable execution, improved access, and evaluation.

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Technology and Programmatic Change Management

New program launch, system implementation, and organizational changes.

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Contact Us

Want to find out more about how we can help you thrive this year?
Send us a note here or directly to catherinefields@scpconsultinggroup.com!

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